This week (24th  -30th  of March)  we will experience as a collective theme the energy field of logical debate, of sharing understanding that can be logically conveyed through facts and details.

On Sunday evening (21:42 EET), the Sun entered Gate 17 Opinions-Following, connecting our mental conceptualizing, our opinions,  to the possibility of expressing them (Gate 62 Detail- Preponderance of the Small), already present as an environment theme since the end of February.

That movement has brought the definition of 17-62 Channel of Acceptance, a Design of an Organizational Being.

We will notice around us the drive to make ourselves understood and to organize others based on our ability to look at patterns and formulas that can be demonstrated and supported by facts and details.

If you have the 4th gate (without the 63) present in your design, especially in an undefined Ajna this transit can put you through a particularly intense mental experience, as you may feel like you suddenly can organize your answers in an understandable way, and that it’s high time to share what you think.

Without waiting for the right timing ,out of fear of being too late, and without having all the  facts, you may step into endless and fruitless debates on how things should be organized, either boring others with your ideas or creating factionalism among them (11.2).  As a result of not being well prepared things will get delayed because of it, which was exactly what you were trying to avoid by rushing things :)! Gate 17 brings along a time distortion mechanism.

The possibility of developing pertinent opinions, that others may elect to follow and provide energy for applying them, need to be grounded in the awareness of what needs to be corrected (Earth in Gate 18  Correction – Work on what has been spoilt).

The transit will energize opinions that challenge an established authority in order to defend basic and fundamental human rights and we may notice the failure in doing that when the decision to challenge originates from our Not-Self.

As this is a collective theme, we will be more sensitive over the next few days to actions, conjectures or persons that impact on fundamental human rights.

Any opinion expressed needs to be backed-up by pertinent facts, so it can be argued for efficiently when challenged. As a result some may engineer the facts during this transit, out of fear of not being understood otherwise. This can easily backfire as opinions will need to be validated through testing and playing with proofs will only fuel doubts and generate mental anxiety. 

It will only add to the fear that we do not have the answer and the fear of being challenged.

Having Uranus staying for quite a while now in the 3rd Gate: Ordering-Difficulty at the beginning in the line of Victimization, one can easily lose the capacity to stand by one’s own convictions when confronted with others’ projections that they are confused.

This week can bring the energy of reasonable or unreasonable debates that can make enthusiastic contributions (Mars in Gate 8 Contribution- Holding Together) to the organization of patterns, freely or for a price, if the timing is correct and the details have been attentively and cautiously looked upon. Every single organizing opinion can bring about emotional tension in our relations hips with Venus transiting gate 30 Clinging Fire and gate 55 Spirit.

Get trapped in the transit and you may find yourself opinions grounded in challenging the wrong authority and being considered unreasonable and confined to a position you can not easily digest.

Stay grounded in your Strategy and Authority and this environment (61-62)  that constantly seeks excellence and principles as  foundation for a better life can bring you the opportunity to release your understanding and contribute others through your detailed organization.